Sunday, December 26, 2010


Oh my gosh what a fabulous Christmas we had, but at the same time it was very bittersweet.  The reason I believe it was bittersweet is because it was our last one on Guam.  Sad but true, next year we will be in the snow and cold that the New England states have to offer us.  Alright, back to warm thoughts. We started off Christmas Eve with making Santa his most favorite cookies, and this year we cheated because all of our household goods are waiting for us in the states.

Santa had oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies that were freshly baked waiting for him at our house that night.  The best part, I think, of the night was while the cookies were baking we started a new tradition.  My kids each made an ornament for Santa to put on the tree.

They left their ornaments on the kitchen table and the next morning, well more about that later.  They each got to open up one Christmas present from the family on Christmas Eve, but the only way they get to open them is if the cookies for Santa are made, the milk is out, the carrots are ready for the reindeer, and they are ready for bed (unless we go to midnight mass then they have to be ready for church).

Well needless to say I think it was a world record with those two getting ready.  I have never seen them get ready so quickly.  They were so excited, for Santa, to open presents, for Santa...yeah I had to mention that twice because that is all my 3 y/o talked about for 2 weeks was seeing Santa.  It was beyond adorable but it started to wear on the nerves a little bit.

So for the family gifts:

 My son received a Math Drills workbook, trust me was excited

 My daughter received a Same and Different workbook, she wasn't as excited

 Hubby got Gran Turismo for his PSP

I got my Hammer sweatshirt!

Then it was for my little creatures to go to bed so Santa could come.  Goodness, it took forever for them to get to bed.  So to buy sometime I jumped on Norad to track Santa so every time they got up I could tell them how close Santa was.  Well needless to say it worked cause they eventually gave up and Santa eventually came.


Now it might not look like a lot, but that's because we emailed Santa and told him we were in the middle of a move and asked him not to bring anything to big.  We were happy to find out that adhered to our wishes.

The Christmas morning wake-up call. OH BOY! Was that fun.  My hubby and I woke up probably about 6am and just laid around in bed waiting for the kids.  We mainly work up because we didn't want any little people's opening presents when they weren't supposed to.  It was so awesome to hear them when they finally woke up.  "Santa came!" "The cookies are gone"...plate to the face "Daddy Santa ate all the cookies".  Yup my little girl threw the empty plate at my husband to let him know that Santa at all the cookies.  Ah, kids!

The kids opened their presents and were beyond happy with what they received.  Lots of DS games, Leapster games, math and reading books, a couple barbies and some bakugans.  Then the hubby and I exchanged each others gifts.  TO FUNNY! We got each other the same thing just different colors: the new iPod Nano, mine is pink and his is a steel color.  It was just to funny for words.

After presents we took a little nap, and then had to get up and get ready for the rest of our day.  We were invited over to three different families houses but only made it to two of them.  We went to our long time friends the Cowdrey's first.  My poor son threw up on her floor.  He went to get his dinner plate and looked at my husband and said "I think I'm going to throw up" and threw up.  No time to get to trash can or anything.  After about 5 minutes of puking in her toilet he just laid down and played his DS for the rest of time we were there.  Poor guy.  After there we went to our neighbors and good friends house the Woods'.  Where, no puking this time, everyone ate a little more, drank some and had some good laughs. At the end of the night everyone was beyond exhausted.  We came home, it was far walk about 150 feet.  And went to bed.

The next day we went and picked up the rest of my Christmas present.  Hubby got me Giant Cyclotron Mag Trainer for my bike and a pair of lap fins for the pool.  Honestly I think I was more excited about the mag trainer and fins than the iPod, but don't tell him that.

So all and all it was a wonderful, low key, family driven Christmas.  I really couldn't have asked for anything more.


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